Janine Johnston Janine Johnston

New Website, New Projects

As you’ve now seen, my website is live! Thanks so much for coming to check it out! As described in my About page, I am just getting back into the swing of being a full-time freelance artist again after a long hiatus caring for my Mum. It feels like a massive fresh start! I am deeply grateful for the immense help I’ve received from friends and colleagues in getting this site set up. It’s been quite a process but I’m really thrilled about all the options that are available now compared to my previous website years ago. I hope you enjoy!!

I look forward to sharing more and creating new work for the enjoyment of all. New projects to be announced soon!

If you would like to commission any art or discuss possible projects, please contact me to share details.

To see more work and stories, or to help with my childhood home, please consider joining my Patron area. I will be going into more depth on new creations and old. It has been fun to organize so far, and there’s loads of stuff to come!

Thank you for visiting X

Janine Johnston modeling for a Star Wars painting
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